About Me

Hey there! I’m Carol, and I’m thrilled to introduce you to my life’s passion at Satori for Life. My journey into health, wellness and healing isn’t just a career; it’s a way of life that has shaped who I am over the last thirty years. If you’re curious about the interplay between nutrition, exercise, and natural remedies, you’re going to find out about it all right here.

This isn’t just about sharing tips — it’s about imparting a philosophy that sees the body and mind as one. I’ve walked the path as both a student and a teacher, finding healing practices that have done wonders for my well-being. From yoga and sports to exploring herbs, spices, oils, and supplements, my experiences have boiled down to one truth: the necessity of nurturing our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual facets to create a foundation for health and natural healing.

My professional path has seen me embrace roles like personal trainer, fitness instructor and I’ve found joy in teaching yoga. Following an injury while indulging in sports, I delved into creating Satori Yoga — my personal blueprint for a balanced life. This approach blossomed into ‘Satori Living: How to Create a Balanced Life that You Love’, a book I penned to detail my insights into restoring life’s equilibrium, along with launching a corporate wellness company in Hawaii to help others find their own balance, wholeness, harmony and freedom.

Living a balanced led me to becoming a life coach and writing my latest book ‘Satori Wisdom: The Power of Healing, Empowerment, Awakening and Transformation’.

Satori for Life, my brand and digital sanctuary located at satoriforlife.com, was born from a desire to offer guidance and access to healing products and services that I’ve found effective. I’m here to help you create the same harmony into your life that I have into mine, and through sharing tried and true practices, I hope to make your journey into holistic wellness as empowering and enlightening as mine has been.

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